Little Miss J

Our friends Darcie and Keith have the responsibility of two small children. As a consequence, they currently find it difficult to organise a night out. So from time to time Mr hazelh and I play 'meals on wheels feet' for them. Tonight we cooked lemon chicken, spinach and mashed potato at their house, and took them a selection of cheeses for pudding. Darcie and Keith supplied the drinks. My blip is of their daughter Harper, who slept through the proceedings.

Earlier in the day I beavered away at my computer. My main achievements were (a) to whittle the email back log back down to zero (at least for a short while) and (b) complete the teaching prep for next Thursday's classes.

ArcLight called in this afternoon for a good chat in my study over a bowl of Maltesers. Amongst other topics of conversation, she gave me some good advice on the grant applications that I am currently writing.

We're back down to Northumberland in the morning...

Exercise today: walking (11,121 steps).

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