Bonfire Night

Our first day in the UK was spent walking up on The Coppice above Accrington, and then coming down to the town to look at, and work a little on, the house we are here to help empty and clean.  My sore back meant the walking was a bit painful, and restricted me to carrying light items down the stairs at the house, but ultimately I think both activities were good for me because now, a day later, it feels much easier.
It's years since we were back in the UK for Bonfire Night, Guy Fawkes Night, call it what you will, so it was fun to go to the fire and fireworks in Witton Country Park, together with many others Blackburn residents.   The fire was really impressive, the fireworks were good and the rain held off until we were walking home. The wind made the fire spectacular, and kept both the sparks and smoke away from where we were standing. It was a lovely friendly atmosphere with lots of small kids and families around.
I’d checked the handbook for my new camera to see what it had to say about nighttime photographs and read that there is a setting for hand-held night shots. Basically it seems to take a quick series of photos and keep the sharp bits of each. It worked wonderfully for the fire and shots of the crowd or individuals, but less well for the fireworks. I continue to be impressed and happy with the Lumix TZ100!

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