Bonfire night

Here is Mr hazelh lighting some sparklers at our mini bonfire party this evening. It was a very modest affair with only four participants: me,  Mr hazelh, Katharine and Jack. It didn't last very long either. This was because one of our neighbours complained about the smoke - such a pity on the one day of the year that we thought we would be able to have a fire in our garden. By 6:30pm all the flames were extinguished :-(

Apart from preparing for our wee party tonight, I have spent much of the day on jobs domestic.

Exercise today: 10 mile bike ride  (Along the way I passed a dog walker who did not appreciate my bell ringing. He threatened me with the phrase 'I drive a car and will see you on the road!'  If I end up squashed on the tarmac, all my blipfriends will have to hunt him down.)

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