But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Maple Leaf.

As part of the Midlothian Science Festival, The Friends of Roslin Glen ran a river dipping which attracted over 60 people; it was rather crowded. The festival organisers left a few questionnaires for people to fill in but hadn’t realized how popular it would be; the comments some of the kids left were moderately amusing: the river was too wet, would like more blood worms and there weren’t any sharks (I wonder who suggested that there might be).
As we were packing up, I noticed a leaf hanging from a field maple (sycamores aren’t allowed here, they’re an invasive species brought into Britain with the rabbits by the Romans so, next time someone asks, “What did the Romans do for us? You know the answer). I had just finish tidying up some stray leaves that were invading my composition when I was called over to help dismantle the gazebo and, when I returned, tem minutes later – could I find it? So this image is of the second one I prepared; of course, the first would have made a better shot.

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