Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

..Cooling Off Period

The squirrels awoke to snow this morning and immediately dispatched an emissary to request a Union Cooling Off Period. Of course, while this one was being all serious and businesslike, Extreme Sylvia was farting around, very nearly killing the whole deal! After a bit of tomfoolery the emissary was on his way, deal in paw.

The rest of the day went along pretty much trouble free ... the King of Cardinals, His Royal Redness came by and said that he promises to pose for a proper portrait soon, for Legacy. Little Goldie the goldfinch called a halt to her histrionics and settled for looking fetching in her down coat instead. The Junco crew showed up early to attend to all the seed spilled by the finches, and showed some mild curiosity about the corn cob, before dismissing it as inedible.

Which brings us back to the squirrels ... Just when I was sure that we were settled in and playing nice, Seymour ran up, snatched the corn cob, and promptly ran off with it! I can already see that we are going to be back at the bargaining table soon... sigh.

Thanks for all the lovely comments, stars, etc and for enjoying my continuing Tales from Tallyho. I have no idea when or how this saga will end and hope that you don't tire of it ... I've purchased a VERY large bag of peanuts, so things could get crazy around here...

Debbi (snowed in)

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