
Thank you so much for your response to my previous blip - I'm most touched and will respond at some point! My sister is here till Sunday so will try and catch some time here and there! 
Today was a quick run round the ground surrounding some mining works for Oscar- I spotted a rabbit but thankfully he didn't! He did try to get into the Tamar Visitor Centre -  the last time we were here it was for Open studios and he was made quite a fuss of and got some food treats -what a memory!
Quick turnaround as I had  the hairdressers, we spent the whole time talking about Strictly and his parents. His father has ceased communication since it has become apparent he is not going to move back and look after him and his mother. There are 3 siblings who live in the same city but culturally it is expected. I wonder if the fact he has Aspergers  is compounded by their strict cultural customs? Since he threw him out of the family home when he was 16 it's a bit rich to expect him to return home and look after them!  A stop at the Hardware store for screws and raw plugs for some old knobs I bought at Totnes to hang oscars lead and harness on, then it was home for lunch, a spot of meditation then out  in the pouring rain to do the hen close. Poor Oscar was being blasted by the rain on my plot so I upturned an old coop and sat him under it! He still got drenched! Good thing was I got to use his towel jacket to dry him off when we got home. What a laugh! I'd bought a large one and he was swamped by it! He stood stock-still and his legs were quaking! When I had towelled him dry I took it off and he went manic! Rushed into the front room, rolled around in his bed and on the carpet! I managed to get him into the conservatory where he proceeded to roll around on his blanket and the rugs! When he had finished he was a complete fluffy fur ball and looked gorgeous! He then spoilt it by going on a rampage in the front room again, making a beeline for my sisters shoes, socks and balls of wool! After another 30 mins of play  and brain games he fell asleep and I collapsed exhausted!  I planned an early night but somehow found myself lying awake listening to the first results of the midterm elections - looked to be going well for the Democrats - what a relief! I finally fell asleep.

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