Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Pearls before swine

Today would have been my mum-in-law's 92nd birthday 
– same vintage as the queen! 
I use the word “vintage” considerately. 
It must have been somewhere in the region of a quarter of a century ago that I first heard her tell her middle son that I was the best thing that had happened to him. Apparently he paid little heed, but then she never did go out of her way to make herself appealing to people who might listen. 
I wonder if anyone else is thinking about her and remembering her birthday today.

In Sainsbury's this evening I spotted a fabulous elderly woman! I so wanted to take a candid portrait, but not only did I feel that it would have been an invasion of her privacy, I also have this subliminal understanding that supermarket photography is forbidden.

Outside the supermarket, in the public mall, there are wooden park benches on which the public may sit and wait. Close by is the “Sofa Club” with several sofas out there for everyone to try out, but no apparent sales point. Normally in the mall there are some folk taking advantage of the comfort of the sofas, but this evening everyone was at the wooden benches. At last! A photo opportunity! Little camera went a bit stroppy on me, it does that now and again, but still, we rub along together well enough generally. So I took a couple of shots of crowded wooden benches beside vacant squashy sofas and then mall security told me that it's forbidden to take photos in the mall.

Do any of these administers of regulations have any comprehension of smartphone capability? Certainly little Jonny there assumed I was recording a video. Bless!

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