Wide Wednesday: "Down my Way"

Just a quick blip on a busy day. I got down low with the fisheye lens to photograph the way along the narrow path behind the patio at the back of our garden.

You'll see that there are lots of leaves to clear up at some stage - in fact clearing leaves elsewhere in the garden is one reason why it's been a busy day. We have quite a long gravel drive by the side of the house so I spent a good while with the garden vac sucking up leaves without sucking up gravel (with a remarkably good degree of success); of course there'll no doubt be lots more leaves there tomorrow but you have to start somewhere! That was in addition to a pilgrimage to the tip with loads of junk and much time spent sorting lots more junk ready for the next such trip!

Thanks of course to Bobsblips for overseeing WidWed and to Freyjad (whom I was delighted to meet at blippers' week at LPH last week) for hosting this week.

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