Tiny Tuesday: "I is for...Ice"

Today's Tiny Tuesday topic chosen by shirleyray is "I is for...".

We have an ice cube tray in our freezer which produces little cones of ice about 1.5-2cm wide at the base. So I popped one onto a mirror and set up my macro lens in focus stack mode. As the ice began to melt I liked the trail of droplets which developed when I slid the cube across the mirror. Hey presto, today's blip!

It needed to be quite a quick blip as I've spent most of the day week helping the Editor to prepare the house for a meeting of her local women's group (aka The Benton Mafia!). 20 ladies are coming to hear a talk by a man (poor guy!). Thank God I've got Camera Club to go to - I'll be gone before they arrive and they'll be gone before I get back. Phew!

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