Sunday Sunset

AW says THANK YOU for all the stars for yesterday's shot!  He loves you all.

Started a new MOOC today, one that had already been on my Wish List for so long because it's part of a series and I'd already done the other parts -- Intercultural Studies: Defining the Concept of Culture.  Very interesting again (all my courses have been interesting, of course, although some less than others).  Did one-half today and will finish the other half tomorrow, after I come home from work.

Sometime mid-afternoon, though, AW and I went for a long walk, both of us equipped with our cameras.  There was an old homestead in the area that he wanted to see.  As it turned out, it's still owned and occupied and it was clear that it was still private property, so we just looked at the surrounding fields.  There's a little shop selling produce from the farm but it was closed today.  I think AW will return there on his bike sometime soon, if he doesn't forget.  On the way, took some lovely shots of the local flora and fauna, and wondered what to post, but then the sun started going down and what you see here is how it looked on our walk back to the house.

M and I managed to chat very briefly on Messenger.  She's tired but fine, I'm fine but tired.  Other than that, a short discussion on our travel options next year and that we'd love to see each other.  There's a large 'but' somewhere there, so plans are being made to avoid some issues.  More on that at a later date.  The winter break has to come first and that is something I'm really looking forward to.

A lot of news on Brexit, a lot on the California Campfire, and too much on a rather obnoxious creature, so I guess that part of life will go on in much the same way for some time yet.  In the meantime ... back to work in less than 12 hours.  Sigh ... sigh ... sigh.

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