Journey Through Time

By Sue

Seven Hundred and Thirty

By the numbers:

My journey through time started Nov 7, 2010 and if I hadn't missed days, I would have celebrated two years of blipping weeks ago.

I have 649 continuous entries and my last gap was Feb 18, 2011.

My finch with attitude has been my most favored blip with 15 hearts. The second best was one of the autumn color shots at Lake Sacajawea in Longview, WA. It had 9 hearts.

I have 108 subscribers and I signed up to follow 127 blippers. I will admit I don't follow them all closely because there just isn't time.. Well, there is time, but as you all know, there are only so many hours in the day.

I thank the core group of blippers that are regular visitors. Thanks so much for sharing this journey through time with me. I appreciate each and every one of you. I am constantly in awe of your creativity, your vision, your artistic gift of seeing the beauty, the quirky, the unusual, and the humor in life on this planet. I so enjoy the bugs, the birds, the squirrels and chipmunks, deer, sheep, pigs, cows and all the rest of the wildlife I see. Then there are your cats and dogs, your family, your babies, your flowers, your gardens, your views of towns, villages, streets, cafe's, water, mountains, sunsets, sunrises, barbed wire, coffee cups, light and shadows, textures...anything and everything that you all can think of to photograph...well, I'm impressed. Or in my favorite UK expression, GOBSMACKED daily by somebody, somewhere. I appreciated it when you went on vacation to exotic locales and took me along for the ride. India, Egypt, Africa, Greece, and Hawaii are a few places I got to see through your eyes.

Lorenzo introduced me to Blipfoto and I do thank him. Blip helped me to "see" stuff. It opened up new worlds , literally, as I can visit China, Scotland, New Zealand on a daily basis. It has been fun.

And it's been frustrating for me, at times. Which brings me to my new status on Blip, which will be occasional blipping. Blipping when I have something to share, not because I have to figure out something to post. Especially in the winter, when I am more inclined to be house bound, I find it difficult to come up with something creative. I know it's supposed to push me to think of something, but when I've spent 2 or 3 hours putzing/pfaffing around trying to come up with something, not being satisfied, trying endless circle of obsession...then I think...enough already. Take a break, Sue, take a break.

So...I'm taking a little vacation but please don't delete me yet. I am sure I will be back. And there are journals that I cannot possibly ignore, so I will lurk. And who knows, I may pop in a lot sooner than I think. Depends on what photo op gem falls into my lap.

Rumor has it I might get a new lens for my birthday in March. THAT ought to fuel the creative juices. It might be a macro lens.

I was working on a leaf image, but our son was dragging out his Star Wars collection and suggested I photograph it. The Toy Hunter show on cable TV was showing some Star Wars toys and that inspired him to check his collection...being 5 when he first went to see the Star Wars movie, and then having it consume his life since then, of course. The Star Wars generation. This way I got him in the shot, too. This is his original Millennium Falcon. He is checking to see if the place where the battery goes is in workable condition. Didn't work.

So, my blip buddies, thank you, thank you. Hugs from me to you and keep on blippin'. I'll see ya later.

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