Time For Cake

and coffee………………….

I am not sure where the food parcels were going, but they were certainly well packed.
The Cygnet wanted his picture taken and I told him he was a bit close to the focus -- so he leant back ……… very helpful.
He wasn't feeling well when they came out of school - very pale, hot and clammy and needed to stop and have a rest on the 400yd walk back to the house. However, after a dose of Calpol, a sandwich, something to drink and a cuddle with his Nanna he was okay to come out for cake and a drink whilst his sister was at gymnastics.

I have just noticed that another Blip entry (5th Nov) has disappeared so am away to try and remember what I did.
I am wondering if this might have something to do with Blip Central's programming problems they are in the process of fixing.
I have also found that there is an entry dated 1st Jan. 1970 with no picture which is actually part of an entry from 10th Sept. 2010 but you can only find it by going to my "first" ever entry and clicking on the 'back' arrow on the date line.

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