Lidl Flowers

Over to the Folks this morning, after a less than good nights' sleep! The car was at the station, as my Dad wanted to go tot Sleaford Lidl for shopping. I had hoped to walk down to theirs via the Post Office, as I had lots of mail to post!

Lidl was absolutely packed! Trying to shepherd two doddery pensioners around the place was quite a challenge, and other shoppers are not very patient. But it was finally done and we were off back to theirs. My Dad decided to put his own shopping away so I nipped off to the Post Office with my post!

When it was home time, I went off to catch my train only to find it had been cancelled! I had to get home as I had work tonight, so I went and stood at the draughty bus stop for half an hour. The trip home took ages, made longer by a bus driver who hadn't gone to the toilet before leaving the depot, and was now desperate enough to stop at a garage en route and use their facilities!

Eventually I got home just in time to get changed and go to work! 

I was not in the best of moods, and all the customers were grinding my gears. Then I got a migraine - which was probably the best thing that could have happened! (Other than being sent home on full pay...) I took my Migraleve, and they chilled me right out, so I could get on with the night like normal!

I was still very glad to come home!

The photo is flowers in Lidl's, after some creative fannying about! Taken on my phone of course! 

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