Gitama's World

By Gitama

A Huge Thank You....

.........For all the fabulous comments.....hearts and stars on yesterday’s blip celebration....and even though it was 6 actual fact I started August 2011...just goes to show how tardy I can get about posting every day...I admire those who do though.
It kinda got me thinking about the specialness of Blipversarys...or whatever one wants to call’s a time of bringing it all in....a time to be able to Honor ones blipfriend (in a bit more depth) for the sharing of their creativity/lives.....and...the images....which might not get aired except on’s really is special.
To be fair I knew that a blipday was coming up but it took me by surprise so I wasn’t prepared........I think I would of liked to of created something special.....for I I imagine with all of you it’s about giving....a big thank you in the image that one creates......I will be on to it next time.

I have blipped this rusty old boat beforehand....down by the river......I thought to try a bit of ICM...just to change it up a bit.

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