The Many Adventures of Minny Blipper

The two musclebound dudes from the boxing ring sorted themselves out, clapped each other on the back, and clambered out the ring, vastly pleased with themselves.

One glanced over at Marie who was still jogging on the treadmill oblivious to the world around her.

He puffed out his chest, and walked over in that special bodybuilder's walk that makes them look like they've crapped their pants.

Why, hello there Darlin', he said, in what he thought was a sexy John Wayne type voice.

Marie nearly jumped out of her skin.  And she was cross.
Oh for heaven's sake - go away she said.

Aw, come on Darlin'.  I like a girl with a bit of spirit - how's about we go downstairs for a coffee, and we can git acquainted.

Buzz off, just go away, responded Marie.

At this point Minny realised what was going on.  "Hey, dude, leave my girl alone".  Mr. Muscles looked Minny up and down; "Ses who? And what are you going to do about it"

Hop into the ring with me, and I'll show you what I'm going to do.  Hah, thought Mr. Muscles.  This is going to be soooo easy.

They got into the ring, and the next thing Mr. Muscle knew, he was flat on his back with Minny pummeling his chest.

That'll teach you , muttered Minny.  Now, git, and leave my girl alone!!

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