Long Way from Home

Cyclamen cyprium which needs a little tlc to get through an English winter.  A cold frame will suffice - at least down south.

On a day when dull but necessary chores were lined up, I got a bit of excitement this afternoon.  Jamie's Grandad rang to ask for help unblocking their drains.  An outing, on my own, outdoor 'fun'.  turned out it was a little more complicated than would be the case here.  Bizarrely  it was fun, lying in the  muddy garden border, pushing garden hose several metres into the drains to dislodge a particularly unpleasant blockage.  It truly was a s****y job!  Extracting the hose it was impossible not to become a little contaminated but after an hours or so all was flowing freely from kitchen and bathrooms alike.  I headed home .... for a hot bath.  Everything I was wearing is currently doing a little dance in the washing machine and after several more wash-and-scrubbings my hands do finally seem to be free of the lingering odours.   Type 2 fun  to borrow a concept from a friend. :-)

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