Nostalgia - not what it used to be!

The Christmas preparations have started so: the defunct fridge has been taken to the tip, various errands* completed in Leamington and things moving one way or the other between the loft and the house. 

These old Pentax Lenses made it from the loft to my office so they can be reunited with the MX film camera for a foray back into the world of analogue photography.  I bought these lenses with some of my first pay cheques. Back in the early 80s they were pretty reasonable quality - and yes - that is a 49mm polarising filter.  My modern Lee Polariser is 105mm !

You can imagine how little they weigh compared to a modern lens with a focus motor and several signalling functions e.g. the new Canon EoS R has a 12 pin connector on the lens mount - is it sending war and peace?

* one of the errands was buying wiper blades for the cars.  As I was paying the question arose, did I want them fitted?  When I said I thought I could manage, the assistant looked a little surprised ... more so when I said they didn't need my email address ... she had to reset the parameters on the till.   The world really has gone mad :-)

Updated to monochrome - a daylight lamp and two LED torches not being the best combination of lights.

Analogue Man - Joe Walsh.

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