A Portrait of Fiona

Dear Diary,

I have been trying to get a close-up portrait of Fiona the Flying Squirrel but I wasn't having much luck.  It has been bitterly cold and I've been using the woodstove at night, which makes the dining room especially toasty warm.  I think Fiona was enjoying a bit of the warmth because she hung on the dining room door for 45 minutes and didn't mind if I used a flash to take her picture.  Just look at those big eyes and wee paws!

Our temperatures, which were only 7F yesterday morning, are suppose to moderate a bit in the days ahead.  At least the wind hasn't been blowing which would have put the wind chill well below zero.  Brrrr!  I stayed in yesterday and wrapped presents but I must go out today, there are packages to mail!

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