Peidiwch â disgwyl cymeradwyaeth

Peidiwch â disgwyl cymeradwyaeth ~ Don't expect applause

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Yn y deuddegfed ganrif, ysgrifennodd Chekawa Yeshe Dorje ei destun '59 Slogan o Hyfforddiant Meddyliau', ffordd i helpu pobol yn meddwl llai am su hunain, ac yn fwy am bobol eraill. Ar ddiwedd, ar ôl popeth arall, daeth y slogan olaf: '59: Peidiwch â disgwyl cymeradwyaeth'. Pam? Wel, os mai pwrpas y sloganau yw anghofio am eich hun, dydy e ddim yn gwneud synnwyr i ddisgwyl cymeradwyaeth.

Felly Slogan 59 yw fy hoff slogan, ac rydw i'n ei gofio pryd bynnag fy mod i'n meddwl fy mod i wedi cyflawni rhywbeth.

Heddiw cyrhaeddais i i'r diwedd rhaglen 'Couch to 5K' a nawr rydw i'n gallu rhedeg am 30 munud.  Rydw i'n mynd i barhau rhedeg ac rydw i'n meddwl fy mod i'n mynd i redeg tipyn bach yn hwy neu'n gyflymach dros amser.

Ond dydw i ddim yn disgwyl cymeradwyaeth.

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In the twelfth century, Chekawa Yeshe Dorje wrote his text '59 Slogan of Mind Training', a way to help people think less about themselves, and more about others. At the end, after all else, the last slogan comes: '59: Do not expect applause '. Why? Well, if the purpose of the slogans is to forget about yourself, it doesn't make sense to expect applause.

So Slogan 59 is my favorite slogan, and I remember it whenever I think I've achieved something.

Today I reached the end of the 'Couch to 5K' program and now I can run for 30 minutes. I'm going to continue running and I think I'm going to run a bit longer or faster over time.

But I don't expect applause.

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