Swanning Around

Brian got up this morning to find "my" Christmas tree in the back room on the sofa and looking very sorry for itself, thanks to a certain feline! It may not have been deliberate - he may have knocked it over by accident as it did fall quite easily and almost went again when I was trying to put it back as it was! Minstrel went to sleep under the front room one this afternoon, which would have been enough to topple the back one if he'd tried it! 

Anyway I was up early, as I had a dentist appointment . Jae took me down to the surgery, kindly - which meant him having to get up early also. Anyway, I got the all clear for another 6 months thank goodness!
I thought Jae had his door keys with him and he thought I had mine - we were both wrong! So we had to drive down and borrow Brian's!

I was glad to get in and finally have my breakfast - I hadn't had time before my appointment! The trees were intact fortunately when we got in, and I took a few shots of the decorations on them while I had chance! This swan is one of my new ones, and it's one of my favourites.

Work tonight wasn't very busy, but made slightly better by a couple of big orders!

I got home to discover that my Kindle is broken and will no longer charge! I'm hoping it is still under guarantee!

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