Old and new

It's fascinating to wander around Old College, and to see the melding of old and new. This is the old "west" staircase (now renamed the Adam stairs, I think). If you poke your head around a door, you often see the shape of the old building, but in so many ways it is completely transformed inside. I also had a look at the Library (no books in there yet), in the room where the Burke and Hare stairs have now been "glassed over" for posterity, and in what is now the Adam Lecture Theatre, which is the top half of the old Anatomy Theatre which has not only Burke and Hare but also Darwin associations. Anyway, time to add to my #staircases series.

Long day, with a long skype to Finland this morning, work in the office in the afternoon, and then meeting and dinner with colleagues, one of whom is leaving. Yes, it's Brexit related....

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