Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Last Legs

We rarely, if ever, have flowers in the house because Mom is allergic to scents.  It's not always easy to find real flowers hanging around in the desert other than the springtime and early summer cactus blooms.  I did find this sad sack literally hanging around the neighborhood.  I'm pretty amazed because I've found flowers two weeks in a row.  Granted, they have been on their last legs, but still.

We're now into a more typical winter weather pattern. On average, December is our coldest month.  It was in the 60's yesterday and overnight the temp dropped to 29°/-2°.  It's projected to reach 70°/21° this afternoon, which will be nice.  I hadn't watched for the overnight low but am glad I decided to cover my two new plants.  So far, it looks like the Fairy Duster might survive but the Firecracker is not looking that well, probably because I didn't plant it in the proper light.  I prefer the former to the latter so whatever happens, happens.  I've got a purple thumb.  

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