It’s the Little Things....

It is the little things that catch me unawares: a carol on the radio reminding me that this will be a Christmas without HL and his childish excitement, the Christmas cards arriving but nobody to share them with, the cards I’ve blipped, homemade from his niece and brother and from the Gordons’ Association which he would have loved to have seen, not to mention the ghastly freezing, grey day with no comforting presence, even if it might have been behind the Door.

It is not as if I haven’t been busy. I had a solitary coffee in town and a visit to daughter #1 manning the art gallery in Hanover Street, before coming home to make a vegetable stew and soup. With a wintry cheerless afternoon stretching in front of me, I forced myself to go to the gym to harness some endorphins which indeed made me feel a lot better.

And tomorrow is another day when there will be morning toast with David and Luca. Something to look forward to.

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