
By mindful_life

Morning sky

Back blipping (again)... one day I will have more free time won’t I??

I got up a little later for my morning run today as I asked my husband to take the children to school. I was treated to this glorious sky so I’m glad I made that decision!

I had the last day of my course and when I took the girl I gave met home, we sat and chatted a while before she went into her flat. We both agreed that it’s a shame the course isn’t a little longer as we both get on well and have both agree we would like to stay in touch.

In the afternoon I had a medical appointment which ran quite late so by the time I got home it was time for dinner and bed and I was quite exhausted!

Today’s inspiration is:

“I will know peace when... I examine what I feel beneath what I am feeling.”

This is an interesting idea because our emotions can be a result of something else. For example anger can result to having been hurt. Anger as a response to hurt is directed inward. You are angry that you trusted someone who turned out to be the wrong person to trust. You loved or cared too much. It’s hard to admit this so you point the finger at them.

“Until today you may have believed that someone you trusted or loved has done something to make you angry. Just for today, lay your anger aside. Look beneath the anger to find the hurt that you have buried to avoid dealing with it.”

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