an unexpected...


high in the sky

i was bird stalking with miss mollie-boo - she held captive in her kitty tower - by the flying pranks of our - pigeon friends as well as - the occasional crow or raven which - can whiz by us -

which is exactly what i thought had occurred here - in the midst of the pigeons - i had seen coming up - what i assumed was a crow - it was approaching rapidly and the - pigeons all split giving it room - i simply snapped - believing i was getting several shots off - however on the upload - this is the only one which appeared - then imagine my surprise when it - doesn't look at all like a crow - not even a raven but

maybe a swainson's or cooper's hawk - really? - caught in mid-flight? - was that why the birds had split - so quickly then? - i am not the best at identifying hawks - not even certain this is one - but do admit the thought - of it being one gives me a tiny thrill - and most definitely leads to...


happy day.....

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