The Black Cockies are back!

They were out there tonight.  A large family of Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoos and they were making a racket, particularly the little baby who never let up.  It's quite a sight to behold and they were on the move from one tree to the other.  I wasn't set up well as I was in the middle of cooking dinner but I did capture this image of one staring down at me.  

Wow this time next week it will be Christmas Eve.  Where on earth did this year go, it has come around like a rocket.  I did pick up the ham from Bruce our butcher in Blackheath this afternoon and was given a masterclass in how to lift the rind from the fat before glazing it.  Bruce even gave me his winning glaze recipe which I have already handed on to Trisharooni and isbi.  I'm leaving that little task until Christmas Eve.

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