Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Silent Night

Spend the morning clearing some stuff out of a cupboard and putting up the Christmas decorations. The decorations are always put up after the twins birthday to make sure birthday and Christmas don't mix. The tree is up and lit a lot earlier this year. On the other hand I found the old 20 inch Sony Trinitron tv, which is as deep as it is wide and high. My suggestion all flat screens and computers should be removed from the house and replaced with the old tv, and only show the main terrestrial channels was not well received. ;-)

In the afternoon, took twin 1 down to town to help him select, and provide the discounts for, waterproof shoes and a a new ski jacket. He and his twin brother are going to Sweden for New Year, so a decent jacket is a must.

Afterwards. my partner and I split up for for some quick Christmas shopping. My blip was taken on my way down George Street. This year's outdoor experience for Edinburgh's Christmas is a silent disco named Silent Night.

From here it's off to another shop before meeting up with my partner for afternoon coffee and cake. Then its home for a quiet Sunday evening, which ends with watching the final of The Apprentice.

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