Slow Down

My New Year's resolution got under way a day early. Earlier in the month I started working on the refurbishment of my ancient rowing machine. It must be 18 years old now but it was a good pro-standard one when we bought it and it's still fit for service. 

One of my Christmas presents was a heart rate monitor which with my health issues (type 1 diabetes) is something I need to be able to exercise within the correct target zone. It took me a while to get it working with the app but I finally got it figured out today. The app works pretty well and once the right programme has been selected it keeps you going at the correct pace telling me to speed up, slow down or stick to that pace.

So that's it, the iPad runs the show and Spotify plays me some music through my little Bose speaker (it was Harold Melvin & the Bluenotes, Chic and Donna Summer today).

Happy New Year everyone, I hope 2019 goes well for you!

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