A Great Start To 2019

We had a phone call from mother in law’s carer at 9:00 this morning to say that she (MIL, not the carer) had something stuck in her throat and couldn’t swallow. Carer had phoned 111 and been told that a trip to A&E was advised, but not to use a 999 ambulance! We were due to go up today, so it was a case of chucking everything in the car and going. Déja vu - last New Year’s Eve we had to make an emergency run up to take her to A&E. Maybe next year I will get a beer!

Very quiet on the roads so we were there by 10:30. At hospital it took 20 minutes to get through triage, then an hour’s wait for the doctor. MIL fixed up to a drip with muscle relaxant and left to ‘stew’ for 90 minutes. We popped out to get some lunch at McDonalds...not quite the same as full roast chicken dinner we were expecting to have.

Foreign body (a piece of eggshell) duly dislodged and we left, arriving back at her house for 3p.m. - too late to cook the chicken dinner.

We left ther about 4, back home for 5, then cup of tea and took Finlay out for his walk. Chilled beers lined up (again)... and relax.....

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