
By flavia13


Had to go into town today to send a birthday parcel off, strange huh that people will insist on having birthdays so soon after Christmas!!!!! hee hee hee.  

Decided to go for a stroll around our duck pond but sadly the fountain wasn't working today, that looks lovely when it is.  I liked this tree, am I weird but I quite like trees, well some of them, without their leaves they add structure and texture and you can see through them, normally this would block the view of the pond.

Not a cold day, just very grey and dark.  There were a huge amount of seagulls on the pond too.  I've never seen so many.  I won't try to feed the ducks and geese on days like that 'cos it's the gulls that get them not the ducks and geese. 

I've added an extra of bright red berries, pas their best now, but they were so noticeable adding a beautiful splash of bright red colour to a very dark grey day.

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