Mr John

By MrJohn

Cake night .....

..... cat #2.

Tonight there has been the usual cake night at my house. Tonight it was attended by Mr and Mrs P, Mini Pea, Mr M and Rocky the cat. Rocky belongs to Mr and Mrs P and most Wednesdays he walks the couple of streets from their house to mine to join us for cake.

Alison was not here tonight as she is currently sunning herself in Thailand, but I suspect my house may have been warmer than where she is as my log burner has been pumping out a lot of heat all night, so much so that Mr P was too hot in just his T-shirt. Rocky didn't seem to mind the heat and enjoyed the prime location in front of the log burning stove.

Plenty of cake was consumed, washed down with coffees, hot chocolates, green teas and a night cap of sloe gin. Mini Pea decided to go for the milk option instead and seemed very happy with her choice as she was gurgling and smiling away most of the night.

As I have blipped our other cake night cat Millie a couple of weeks ago, today's blip is .....

..... Cake night cat #2

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