" Cat's .....

..... I f*cking hate them."

It's been a bit blowy out there today folks. This lunch time I braved the weather to have a trip in to Leeds, by the time I'd walked to Ilkley train station I was soaked through and my moustache had been blown all over the place.

The trains have been disrupted by the weather but the trains to Leeds had just started running again so I managed to arrive in Leeds just in time to meet up with RichieBoo at midday. Boo was just down in Leeds for a few hours but we made the most of the time.

First stop was a wander around the market to drop off a few prints and have a chat with Paul. Most of the market stalls were empty due to the bad weather but Paul and his colleague Ray were still there and packing up to go home. I noticed a nice little tin on their stall with cats and dogs printed on it ( appropriate considering the weather ). Paul took great delight in telling us " I fucking hate cats " ( Blip ).

Boo and I headed off to a pub for a cuppa and a chat before having a bit of a wander around town ( with me taking street portraits along the way) before heading to the Corn Exchange for another cuppa and a slice of Christmas dinner cake ( I think it had sprouts in it ). Boo had to then set off back up to the North East, it was great to finally meet Boo ( and take his photo which I've added to a set here along with a few others from today ).

After Boo had left I had a bit of a look around some clothes shops and considered buying a monkey onesie but instead bought two pairs of socks, That's my clothes shopping done for another year. It's been a fun afternoon with a lovely blipper, I took a few portraits today but Paul's comment made me laugh, so today's blip is .....

..... "Cats, I f*cking hate them "

More Leeds market portraits here.

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