
By NellieD

As soft as unicorn kisses

I started volunteering back at the food bank today and one of the first things I spotted was this pile of donated toilet rolls!  

The company website says:
We started Who Gives A Crap when we learnt that 2.3 billion people across the world don't have access to a toilet. That's roughly 40% of the global population and means that around 289,000 children under five die every year from diarrhoeal diseases caused by poor water and sanitation. That's almost 800 children per day, or one child every two minutes.

We’re amazed that most toilet paper is still made with virgin trees. Not only are we cutting them down, wiping our bums and flushing them down the toilet, but we’re consuming loads of energy and water along the way. At Who Gives A Crap, all of our products are made without trees, so we’re being kind to mama nature – because she’s amazing! Trees should be for hugging, not wiping!

We donate half of our profits to non-profit organisations working to improve access to hygiene, water and basic sanitation in developing countries.  To date, we've donated over £1m.

Not being able to afford toilet paper in the UK is a very real problem so these individually wrapped, double length rolls are perfect for the service users that use the food bank - and hopefully they will make people smile too!  Apparently the 3-ply rolls are as soft as unicorn kisses and as strong as 1000 ponies :).  And the premium rolls, well that's supposed to be like wiping yourself with a cloud!

The orange emergency roll says "uh-oh, you're literally living life by the seat of your pants.  If you don't order more toilet paper soon, there's no telling what will happen.  Actually, we know - and it's not pretty."

Quote for today:
More people in the world have mobile phones than toilets.
Think about that next time you're texting on the loo!
- Who Gives A Crap

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