To BLIP or not to BLIP? That is the question

Today I started packing away all of MollyCollie's possessions. She was a very pampered pooch so she had a lot of stuff. I will drop it all down to the 'Edinburgh Dog & Cat home' later in the week. It was heart-breaking taking all her little ID discs off her collars. MollyCollie had nine collar and leads. She never wore the same one two days running because people might have thought she'd stayed out all night. Lol!

This morning I went to an aquafit class and then had coffee with the girls but it was horrible coming back into the flat and not having her waggy little tail to greet me. And I haven't a clue what I'm going to do in the afternoons. We always used to go out for at least an hour together. I'm probably going to turn into a big, fat slob!!! And I've just automatically gone to put her dinner out for her...................

This afternoon, after I'd packed away all her stuff, I went back to the emergency vets with my completed insurance claim form. It cost £338.88 to have my baby put to sleep. And whilst I would have paid ten times that much for her to be at peace, obviously if I can claim it back I will.

It's probably not appropriate to have a major rant about pet insurance at the moment but I will. Molly's dog insurance started out at £7.50 a month and just kept going up and up until now when it's almost £50 per month. And what is really annoying; I didn't claim anything until she was more than 10 years old. It's a total rip off. And even then, there were excesses to pay and her ongoing treatment for osteoarthritis wasn't covered. I paid more than £160 last week for her annual check up and four months supply of onsior and she only had one pill. I will never pay for dog insurance again. I will just open an account in the dogs name and pay money in every month. OK rant over!

I'm not sure whether I will continue with BLIP. MollyCollie didn't set out to have her own Blipblog. It somehow just evolved that way. Having said that, BLIP has been a huge part of my life for more than eight years.

I'm going to try to change the title and username and bio on this BLIP, though whether I can work out how to do that is doubtful, so I may be back on here tomorrow asking for help.

Off out tonight with a couple of friends for a Thai meal and a few drinks. At least when I come home I can get straight into my PJs and go to bed. Sounds great?! …..............But I'd rather be coming home to take my gorgeous little collie out for her bedtime wee walk.


Ann xxx

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