Life In Wales

By KarenC

Christmas is coming...

The weather forecast was right and we woke up to blizzards today! I had a doctors appointment this morning and then the hairdresser's this afternoon, plus inbetween that I was hoping to go to Zumba at the gym. But I decided to forget about trying to drive anywhere and put my snow boots on and walked to the doctors.

As it's about a 15/20 minute walk I took my camera with me in case there were any nice snowy blips and I walked past this lovely little house. Their Christmas decorations look great, and with the snow I thought it looked very christmassy. I was a little concious taking the photograph as there were lights on in the house, so it was a quick blip and run in case they saw me.

My doctor and his wife are good friends of ours, so after seeing Pierre for my flu jab, I popped into the house for a chat with Jenny before heading back out into the snow.

The side roads were very compacted, but the main roads were fine so I decided to keep my hair appointment. The salon is in the next town, but by the time I went the snow was starting to thaw slightly so there weren't any problems.

I've got dinner cooking in the slow cooker as we have friends coming round tonight, so I'm now going to put up the christmas tree - I might even put our virtual fire on to make it cosy :-)

The weekend is finally here - hope you have a good one!

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