Thirsty Work!

I went out to fill the water bowls again this afternoon and heard a couple of wallabies jump off into the bush. It didn’t surprise me to see one back at the water bowls on the deck within a few minutes. They need water just as much as humans and CCN and I were so happy to see this little fella really lapping up the cool water from the lower tank. I always try and get water from well below the surface on a hot day like today because it is often really cold.

We enjoyed another day of watch the Australian Open Tennis but earlier we had a visit from Bill, the son of the engineer who had done all of the steel work at Wombat Hollow in 2000. Bill measured up for the safety features that we will be adding to the house to keep up both safe in our ageing years. The most important one of all is a strong and continuous handrail from the bedroom down to the living area. It can’t come soon enough and he has promised to fast track it for us.

The extra is one of the wallaby being very watchful as he arrives at the water bowl.

We’re hoping for a cool change tomorrow, fingers crossed :)

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