The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Winter flare

As I was going down the hill to work, I met my class coming up to town. I offered to join them, as they were one adult short, but we felt it was better that I went down to school first to check! So, 40 minutes later I joined them in St Laurence's church, at the Christmas tree festival where I was last Sunday. I wanted to take photos, but the lad I was in charge of had other ideas...

Afterwards we all had a drink outside Costa coffee, as it would've been difficult to get all the wheelchairs inside. The weather was bright but exceedingly chilly. Eventually, after going back to school for the rest of my shift, I took the bus to my second job. Friday is very intensive for me, but CleanSteve picked me up at 4 and brought me home. After several hours of sitting in front of the fire, eating food and watching a few emergency episodes of Frasier (the finest Tv comedy series ever made, in my opinion) I felt almost human again. My headache is still with me, it's on day 3 now, but maybe the weekend will help shift it.

These trees were blipped in the garden this morning. I was not happy with the flare, but I've tried processing every single photo I took today, and I don't like any of them either...

PS I did not mean to mislead, I don't actually have a lake at the bottom of the garden.
The reflection is an added effect, because I was so dissatisfied with all my shots. Our garden is on a steep slope, so any water would rapidly drain away...

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