Ventos fortes

Strong winds. There is talk of Indian Ocean storms off Mozambique, and they have made an already windy city very wild and blustery. Move over Chicago: there's a new kid on the block.

I met my new Brazilian friend Elen for coffee and food at a pleasant café with nice sea views. I think she'll become a good pal with whom to navigate life in Maputo. Other than that I continued with my quest to take things steady and derive satisfaction from simple tasks such as buying lightbulbs and acquiring more phone credit. There's an eerie quiet vibe in parts of Maputo on a Sunday, but I slowly strolled, and my day was productive in a pedestrian way.

This building is near a supermarket and is something like the National Directorate for Hydrological Resources. I like its wave design, which is very apt on a day where the ocean has been rough and I've been dealing with face-smacking branches, being plastered by eddies of trash and items launching themselves off tables.

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