At the back

Today's been a day of extremely hot and windy weather. I didn't see Kei but he clearly battled on. The south side and the back have new soil.

The north side is, how do l put it? Partially soiled? No, that's just wrong. I need one of my technical writer colleagues to help. He's partially laid the soil on the north side. How about that?! :-)

I don't know how hot it got a bit before 5pm it was 33 degrees. The wind howled hot and dry all day.

Meanwhile some of my plants were delivered. Kei as always helped to put them in places safe from prying eyes and the weather.

Fortunately it turned cooler and rained early evening. The plants still needed watering. I'd just finished when I heard a roaring just before a huge wind slammed into the house.

I've never experienced a southerly wind like it here. Plants started falling over including 1 of my large punga ferns. The other 2 wobbled and I caught it before it toppled. I managed to prop the 3 pungas up using my rubbish bins.

Everything is upright now I think they're basically happy plants despite the vagaries of our weather.

Before the heavens opened again I grabbed a quick shot of the triangle at the back. Years ago I carried the log across my shoulders and back. It was very long 1.5 hours in the Waimakariri river bed. I'm glad I brought it with me from my old place. Kei saw it and he immediately carried it to where he's placed it today. What a lovely man he is.

Today's gratitude: At work, for banging out an unexpected piece of work really quickly and to a high standard. At home, for the first of my plants arriving safely and surviving a difficult day and evening.

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