
This evening I've had the company of an old family friend. Margie occasionally stays a night with for her work. Late this afternoon she happened to arrive when I was in the end of a wrecking bar/crowbar.

Kei still has a bit of garden area at the front to prepare. When I got home from work I gave him a hand. 1.5 hours breaking up ground with a wrecking bar was quite enough for me.

Margie kindly took me out to dinner across the road at my local. Our Mum's were best of friends from 3 or 4 years old. Our Dad's met at high school. As I get older I find these connections are very important.

Smile tonight hpx, tomorrow Eleni my designer and guru of all things garden, arrives to layout the plants. I'll be up at day break to get a couple of hours of work in.

Then it wil be digging holes and planting.

Today's gratitude: For a cooler day and happy plants.

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