R.I.P. Mum

Many of you will already know that my mother died yesterday -- on what was her 92nd birthday. I knew this was likely as she had deteriorated significantly in the past few days so I was not surpised to get a mesage from my brother asking me to call him. As I  am in Hong Kong I knew what it would be about. 

All is ok but I didn't want anything to get onto social media before I was sure that all the family knew and, with the 8 hour time difference, I delayed saying anything here or on Facebook. The last few months have bèen challenging with my mother so, whilst sad, it is also a great relief that it is over.

J and I visited the island of Lamma and walked a coastal path - interesting although not stunning scenery. I lit some incense sticks for Mum at one of the temples we passed.

We took an antiquated ferry over to Aberdeen and diverted to see a poorer area of HK; the overcrowding and intensity of people is unbelievable. Extra of some old men on the ferry.

We have found our time here fascinating but are not sorry to be moving on tomorrow to Kuala Lumpur and Malaysia.

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