Out and about

Today I had absolutely nothing planned, so after swimming 50 lengths, I took myself off for a little tootle around West Lothian. ….............South Queensferry, Linlithgow, Bathgate & Broxburn. I didn't bother walking round the loch at Linlithgow because there didn't seem much point without MollyCollie. I've just spent the last week mooching around shops for no particular reason. And I certainly won't be going back to Bathgate & Broxburn again. What depressing places?!

Got home about 3.30pm and put the chain on the door 'cos I'm in for the night now. I haven't been 'out out' as the youngsters say since Saturday night. I thought about putting my PJs on.............. but that really would be going down the route of 'sad lonely middle aged woman'.

I always thought my social life was quite good in Edinburgh and I certainly never, ever felt lonely or bored when 'MollyCollie' was with me. I think I've been deluding myself. Apart from coffee with the Aquafit ladies on Tuesday I haven't had a proper conversation with anyone this week. 

Thinking about it logically; it's January. Friends often go into hibernation in January. Nobody has any money, nothing much happens and I haven't got much work on at the moment. But when MollyCollie was here, I didn't notice any of that. She still had to have her two walks a day and she was always around to listen to me wittering on. Even though she obviously never answered back!!

I definitely want another dog. I've always said that I wouldn't ever be without a dog. MollyCollie brought so much to my life. But the problem is........................ what breed and what age.

I'm not ruling out a puppy because I like a challenge this is probably the last chance for me to get one. I'll be 60 in March so assuming that a dog lives for 15 years, I'll be 75 when I lose it and that is definitely too old to get a puppy (in my opinion) because it's doubtful that I'll live until 90. Having said that; both my grandmothers lived till they were 92.

And whilst I've always said that I wouldn't get another collie (because MollyCollie was the most perfect pooch and I don't think any other collie could compare to her), everyone keeps telling me that I will definitely be able to love another collie because it will have it's own personality. I know what they're saying is correct but I'm still not convinced.

Sooo what kind of dog do I want?..........................

I want a female because boy dogs are always cocking their legs and marking their territory but that's not to say that I wouldn't consider a boy if I thought it was the right one.

I want a medium/smallish sized dog. I want to be able to lift it myself (even when I'm 75). If my friend, Kay, hadn't come to help me lift MollyCollie the day we had to take her to the emergency vets; I don't know what I would have done. But that's not to say I wouldn't consider another collie type dog the size of MollyCollie cos I know I have good friends who would always help me out in an emergency.

I want a dog under 2/3 years of age. I know it's selfish (and there's a lot of very deserving older dogs out there) but I want a dog I can enjoy for at least 10 years.  I never want to go through this pain of losing a dog again.  But obviously I know I will have to if I want another dog.

I want a dog that wants to go on long walks. I still want to walk the 'Fife Coast Path' and I'd love a little fur baby to do that with me.

I have looked at so many rescue centres in so many different parts of the country that I don't actually know what I've looked at. It amazes me how many dogs, under 6 months of age, are looking to be re-homed for reasons such as a 'relationship break-up' or a 'house move' or someone being 'allergic' to them.............................



…..................Why don't all these stupid, stupid, people realise that when they take on a cute little bundle of fluff, it is a living thing that is depending on them for everything. Would they be so quick to chuck out other members of their family?

Your relationship breaks down. So what?! We've all been there. Share the care of your fur baby between you. Did you really think you could just get rid of your dog? You made a commitment to your pup when you got it. And yet 3 months later, you think you can just dispose of it like garbage and move onto the next stage of your life.

You're moving house. So what?! You have a dog that you have committed yourself to for the rest of it's life. Did you not think ahead and wonder what might happen if your circumstances changed?

You're allergic to your fur baby? Surely any sensible person would have spent time with an animal to make sure they weren't allergic????

OK, OK, OK,..................... I'm obviously ranting a bit now....................... But why, oh why, oh why, are there so many young dogs looking to be rehomed???


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