Eat, smoke, love, meow.

By Meowsers


My brighde, My rock.

Brighde stayed over last night, that was nice. I love that girl, she gave me my late birthday present and I smiled alot.

Today I met up with this girl called molly, she has long hair and large glasses. She is very cute. I am a little confused about it all. I do like her alot, today we went to the quayside and visited the Baltic Gallery, we both do photography, so naturally we were full of intrigue. I like that she does photography, it means that we can chat together and compare work and it's really sweet. It's a nice change from all the A-Level bollocks I used to hear about when I honestly did not care at all for english and ethics, nor did I give a shit about history. Boring.

Anyway, Molly's lovely. You'll see a photo of her soon i'm sure.

I also sort of had a breakdown, you see recently, when I see couples, I shut down. But that's my choice. I decide that it is better to block out any emotion, so my eyes tell my brain to freeze. Strangely, it does. I feel absolutely nothing at all, though, when I lost Bethan, about a week and a half later, I forgot how to miss her, and then i started to miss missing her, and after that, I just forgot her all together. She means nothing to me anymore, she's just a small girl that me and Sarah are horrible to because she stomps on hearts and she deserves all the negative attention, trust me.

If you'd knew her, you'd realise how awful she is inside, like one of those dark chocolate caramels in an expensive box of chocolates, too rich, unwanted, left behind, hard and painful on the inside, and bitter on the outside.

Someone else can attempt to bite into her putrid mind from now on. I deserve better.

Though everything is so silent and so motionless, and I myself, despite any advances, am so numb, and so very exhausted, that I think I may have lost my mind.

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