Grande festa

I haven't posted a picture of a looming tenement block for at least two weeks, so here is one as I went for a morning coffee with a friend who works in an aligned NGO. She is Mozambican but spent much of her childhood in Celtic Galicia, which she confirmed has lots of ginger 90-year olds in villages and weather as changeable as the UK. As I suspected.

I had an assortment of other useful meetings, and it was definitely the most intense day of the week. And it was to get more crazy after work when I joined some friends for beer. Then pho at Maputo's Vietnamese restaurant. Then along with them to a house party organised by an expat couple, but a scale of house party I didn't encounter when living in South East Asia. This one required a guest list and a check at the door to ensure booze was being contributed, and guests weren't freeloaders.

The night degenerated into a fairly outrageous one, with multiple hilarious conversations. All of which I can remember perfectly...

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