Three pungas and some ferns

Kei and I made good progress until noon when he suddenly felt unwell. Poor guy, he really was struck down. He camped in the cool of the lounge until later in the afternoon when he felt able to drive.

That made a much bigger day for me than I hoped for. Just 5 plants at the back remain to be planted. With careful watering and soaking they'll be fine until later in the week when Kei is back on deck.

Everything is well watered to cope with the heat. Hopefully I'll still have happy plants after work tomorrow.

Last evening I soaked the ferns and pungas. Kei planted the south side this morning and it looks great. In time I'll add some ground cover that can wander between the pavers. I've had enough of the wrecking bar for now. Mulch in the paver area can do in the short term.

I'm officially wrecked. My back needs a stretch, my hands and forearms ache and my hands are blistered. My body feels like I've climbed a peak with a heavy pack.

Tomorrow I'll be off to work for a rest.

Today's gratitude: For the scent of my lemon tree and buzz of a bee as I worked. It was magic.

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