Take over

More often than not I sleep well. It's taken me a while to learn to sleep well again. Several thousand earthquakes mucked up my ability to sleep. That's true of any major stress.

Last night was an exception. I was hot in the small hours and when I woke at my usual run time, I felt hung over.

I decided to give myself a few minutes to see if sleep would come again. Nearly 2 hours later I was woken by the pope stretching in his sleep and pushing one of his back paws into the side of my nose, blocking a nostril, and bending my nose out of shape.

He'd decided to sleep beside me, the wrong way round with his feet nearly in my face.

Mum would have a fit. Anyway, this was the sight that greeted me, the pope taking over my bed.

The extra sleep served me well. My exercise later in the morning was focused and my mind didn't back off. Surprisingly on a warm afternoon I was energetic about house work.

Dad didn't have a good day.

Today's gratitude: For the good sense to give myself an opportunity to restore.

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