More of the same

Another busy but productive day as planned. I began by folding my clothes the Marie Kondo way, and managed to throw a few bits out too. At this moment in time I have space in my now tidy clothes drawer! I will try hard to keep it this way. Bathroom cleaned and some ironing done, I then made a prawn biryani for tomorrow’s dinner and prepared the veg for roast tonight.

Jon and Henry spent a couple of hours first thing doing orienteering with the scouts at Kelling Heath.

At 12 we had coffee together then went to the allotment. I stayed on to dig more in the same bed as I dug yesterday. I didn’t take any photos as my phone has been awol today (as is so often the case!!) but I removed the grass from about a 2 foot stretch, joining the two beds together. Next weekend we are going to spend all Sunday down there. My weekend just isn’t long enough and I’m worried I won’t get it all dug in time to plant. Roll on lighter evenings.

While I was there, Jon was back in the garage. When I went in with a cup of tea, he was swearing. It’s been a challenging job, but finally he has an almost working toilet. I say almost, as he said there is a leak in the water pipe taking the water in, but waste going out, and through to the outside pipe seems good. Jon is going to get the council inspector to come back ASAP to sign off the work. I think by next weekend we will have a fully functioning 2nd toilet. You may well get a blip of it in use, I’m that excited!!!!

Lots of tidying still to do, but after ironing as much as I could with my leaking iron, I gave up. Everything was so wet and I’m not sure where it’s coming out. I need to buy a new one. After dinner, there was half an hour for a bath before Call the Midwife.

Daniel has just walked in, after a weekend in Birmingham. He drove there yesterday morning for a weekend with Uni friends.

All too quickly our weekend has come to an end, but the tidying and decluttering will continue bit by tiny bit.

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