Everything's Covered....

....with snow! We got about a foot of it during the night and into this morning. Last night I texted the guy I had hired to clear our snow to see if he was going to come today--he said he's not coming because he "lost money" on us; said he'd driven past our house the last time it snowed & we'd already cleared it ourselves. I said yes, we had, because he'd never shown up. So he said we were no longer on his customer list, and I said I was glad that he quit or I'd have fired him. What a jerk! So I went out about 10:30 to start snowblowing and never came back in until almost noon. I fell backward into the snow bank while the snowblower was in reverse--it was actually pretty funny but I found out I didn't bounce up as quickly as I did when I was a kid--and while I wasn't the least bit cold my glasses were coated with frozen snow, so I took them off and stuffed them in my pocket, and they broke. I figured as long as I was out there already I'd go finish Jim and Elaine's--they only had the street end of their driveway left to do & they both looked beat, so I did that. The neighbor across the street, (who's on the corner so has twice as much sidewalk to shovel) was out doing it all by hand. Tom & I know his wife's been sick & I didn't know if he needed to get her to dialysis today or not, so I crossed the street and started doing the end of his driveway when the blower conked out. I ran home and asked Tom what could be wrong.  Tom: ...."Is it out of gas"?  Oh Duh!! So I ran back and looked in the tank--BINGO. Got some more gas and finished it. Then Tom and I left for his chemo, and I had to listen to him complaining about how I normally drive with such a lead foot (true), and how "all of a sudden you're driving like an old granny"! Driving on roads--some of which haven't been plowed--and seeing people in front of you sliding all over the road will do that to you. So I gave him "the LOOK", and he said "Okay, I'll shut up". Right answer! Tomorrow night we've got some major Polar Vortex coming......supposed to set a new January record for coldest temperature ever....some 22 degrees (F) below zero. We'll see. Hope the car starts! 
As for today's theme of "origin" of our blip names: when I started as an RN in 1972 there were no computers, so all charting was done by hand. It took forever. So to save us having to sign our names over and over, there was one "signature sheet" that we would sign, and then we could just initial our entries. Mine was DFB.....I used them even after Tom & I got married, as it was easier to do the dfb in cursive than the dfd. And the 24th is my birthday, so both are easy for me to remember.  Thanks to Jensphotos for hosting this month and for the themes. :))

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