Winter Winderland

Day 3 without broadband. This is NOT good. This was the week-end when I was going to be doing Christmas stuff, on-line and I have no line to be on. By now Virgin have moved from dealing with your call in India to putting you straight through to Glasgow. Apparently it's a corrupted file and 240 devices are affected. Oh for the days when a screwdriver and a hammer fixed most things.

Off to town - first to the station and then the library to submit the application for the 'national entitlement card'. how did that happen? Then via the hat shop in Grassmarket (I bought one and saw one for the wedding) to meet Dotty at the Filmhouse. We had a great catch up. I am in awe of her and her studying.

Then I did some shopping and thought about fighting my way through the German market. It was far too busy. No internet in the evening met I caught up with the bills and listened to a really good programme on R4 about Lawrence of Arabia.

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