An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Frosty Paws...

Lola had a great time on the moor today.  She met Milly (one of her many doggy pals) a Golden Retriever like her but older and less bouncy slightly wiser.  After playing chase for an hour she was exhausted when she got back.

I did a mountain of ironing and I mean a mountain!  Ran out of coat hangers!  That's a first.  Now if I was sensible chance would be a fine thing I would iron little and often but I never learn.  

I always listen to music when I iron and one of the albums I listened to today was The Boomtown Rats' A Tonic for the Troops.  I haven't heard it for a long time but was absolutely astounded when I realised it's exactly 40 years since I bought the album!  FORTY years!!!!  My flabber was well and truly gasted when that penny dropped!

Then I was on Facebook and someone posted an image that said, "In 1 year 1990 will be 30 years ago. When I think 30 years ago I think 1970" and I was glad to realise I am not alone in my shock at how quickly time is passing.

Of course anyone under 30 reading this will no doubt dismiss my shock just as I did when I was under 30 and it was expressed to me by my mum and gran.  My revenge will be when they wake up in what feels like a few weeks time to find their fifty-something self gazing back from the mirror :-))

Billy says...

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